When starting any new business, one of your early considerations will be that of your brand.
So often this element of business is overlooked or executed poorly, demonstrating a lack of consideration to cohesion and consistency. Much of a businesses success is attributable to how a customer feels, which is influenced by multiple factors such as the staff that work in a business and how well they serve and interact with their patrons, the environment in which business is conducted and whether it is befitting of the nature of business, the reputation that precedes the name of the company… all these, and more, affect the propensity of a customer to commit their custom to you.
However, there is another factor that underpins every element of your business that has the power to illicit emotive responses, instantly turn a customer away from considering your business or, conversely, to draw them in and be the first thing that engages their desire to interact with you and your colleagues. This is, of course, your brand.
Your brand is comprised of many different things… some of them tangible, some of them not. We’ve touched on some of them already, but inside your brand is also the visual and graphic element of your business. Everything you post on social media, every image on your website, every word you put into an info-graphic affects the brand image of your business.
At West Coast Web, we understand the need for consistency, for clarity, and for your customers to be given an early and clear indication of who you are, and that you are a business to be associated with, that delivers a product that speaks of class. We can provide static imagery, social media material (including headers, banners, and curated instagram posts), explanatory info-graphics… we also cater for multimedia needs including animations and videography.
Get in touch with us to see how we can assist in continuing the growth of your business through effective communication and branding. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
The team at West Coast Web.